Educate and inform faculty and campus administrators on issues of scholarly communication
- Know how scholarly communication works (including understanding a variety of publishing models) in assigned disciplines
- Monitor patterns of research and emerging issues in scholarly communication
- Understand changing workflows and patterns of scholarly communication broadly and locally
- Explain the principles behind open access publishing and public access practices
- Demonstrate competency on broad issues of copyright and how to responsibly use information in an academic setting
- Understand the mechanics of author's copyrights
Best Practices
- Provide resources that increase faculty and academic staff awareness of alternative publication models in their discipline
- Work with faculty to publish in open access venues
- Speak knowledgeably about issues such as open access and digital collections
- Help faculty and students understand their rights as authors and on strategies for effectively managing and exercising their rights in their works (e.g., that they can alter contracts to include retaining rights to distribute their own work in classes and on personal websites)