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Librarian Framework

Research Service

Provide expert research support to members of the university community


  • Analyze and understand users' research and information needs to develop, refine, assess, and sustain research and information services and programs in both physical and virtual environments
  • Provide high quality reference and research support on-demand and through in-depth consultations by:
    • Providing assistance and one-to-one instruction in finding and evaluating information
    • Providing assistance in accessing library resources and services
    • Providing support in using information effectively in multiple formats
    • Providing feedback about user success with resources and services
    • Providing scheduled service hours in person, e-mail, phone and/or chat
    • Providing consultations for subject or other specialized areas of expertise
    • Providing research support to faculty and administration for their own research and/or institutional initiatives
  • Document and analyze data on research transactions, both at service points and for customized reference transactions

Best Practices

  • Develop and conduct studies to assess users' research, information, and technology needs
  • Share information with library colleagues about departments, e.g., curriculum changes and class assignments
  • Create and maintain appropriate online research guides, tutorials, web pages, etc.
  • Establish research mentorships with undergraduate students
  • Optimize data for proficient searching and access within the discovery layer
  • Meet with undergraduate WCE and Capstone researchers early and throughout the course to offer assistance
  • Track and analyze data to better understand user behavior and make recommendations on how to improve services or interfaces
  • Research topics of need for faculty or staff working on graduate or professional research
  • Research educational trends for administration related to stated or possible campus initiatives or goals