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MIN3206 Relationships

Finding Books on Relationships Topics

Search Library Search to find books from Northwestern and other MnPALS libraries.

Searching for Books in Library Search

1. Brainstorm keywords that describe your topic.

If your topic is "emerging adults and the church", brainstorm other terms that describe the concepts in your topic.

For example:

Topic: Emerging Adults and Church


Other possible keywords

Emerging adults

Young adults


Christianity, faith, religion, spirituality


2. Search Library Search using your keywords.

Try several searches using "AND" to combine keywords.

For example:

Emerging adults AND church

Emerging adults AND faith

Emerging adults AND religion

Young adults AND church

Young adults AND faith

Young adults AND spirituality

Emerging adults AND spirituality

Young adults AND religion

Emerging adults AND Christianity


3. Limit your search to "Books" in Library Search

Click on the "Books" link under "Resource Type" in on the left side of the results screen in Library Search.


Searching for e-Books in Library Search

To learn more about accessing and viewing eBooks, please view the instructions below.