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MIN3206 Relationships

Finding Reference Articles

Many high quality reference articles can be found through the Credo Reference database. Remember to think broadly about your topic when looking for reference information. For example, if you are researching "Emerging adults and marriage", you might not be able to find an entire reference article on that topic, but the article "Emerging Adulthood" from the Encyclopedia of Adolescence contains a section on "Romantic Relationships and Marriage".
Likewise, there might not be a reference article specifically on the topic of "Emerging adults and church", but the article "Religiousness in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood" discusses church participation. Try to think of similar terms that describe your research topic. In the example of "Emerging adults and church", try searching with related keywords like faith, religion, Christianity, etc.


Other possible keywords

Emerging adults / Emerging adulthood

Young adults / Early adulthood


Christianity, faith, religion, spirituality

Credo Reference