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SPA3202 Spanish Conversation and Composition

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Greg Rosauer

About this Guide

This guide supplements the in-class research instruction for the argumentative research paper assignment.

Recommended Research Strategy

1. Start your research with background reading on your topic.

2. Next, find books and articles related to your topic.

  • Search Library Search for books and e-books
    • Limit to "Books" to find books in print and electronic format
  • Search Article Databases and Library Search for articles
    • Limit to "Peer-Reviewed Journals" to find scholarly articles

3. Format your paper according to APA style.

Possible topics

  • Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
  • Christopher Columbus
  • Hernan Cortes
  • La Malinche
  • Rigoberta Menchu
  • Gabriela Mistral
  • las hermanas Mirabal of Dominican Republic or Mirabal sisters
  • Isabel I of Spain or Isabella I of Castile (1451-1504)
  • Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara
  • Rafael Trujillo
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Fidel Castro
  • Pinochet
  • Pope Francis
  • Jose Mujica
  • United Fruit Co.
  • Eva Peron (and/or her husband)