This guide provides tools for extending your lesson plans and finding reading resources related to your content area.
The best place to start searching for Children's books is in the Library Collection.
We suggest you start with a Keyword search in Library Search.
Using the Location Facet in combination with a subject or a resource type is very effective.
Adding the word Juvenile to a search term will also bring children's literature to the top. This is particularly effective when searching beyond our library collections.
** When searching for a particular book, placing the title in quotes can help.
If you are looking for Alphabet Books use the term "alphebet books" and limit to the level under the Location Facet
If you are looking for Chapter Books use the term "chapter book juvenile fiction" and limit to the level under the Location Facet
The premier single-source, single-search provider of online information to help teachers and librarians find just the right books.
An online collection of animated, talking picture books which you can read, or have read to you.
PebbleGo: Covers the Animals and Bibographies and offers simple navigation, read-aloud audio, and text appropriate for K-3 readers. To make things more interactive, users can access extended learning opportunities with video and audio that accompany most articles, as well as a citation resource and an optional "Share What You Know" activity.
PebbleGo Next: Covers the topics of States and American Indian Studies in grades 3-5. It connects users to curriculum topics. PebbleGo Next includes three citation formats and critical thinking questions to improve comprehension.