New Moodle Feature!
You can now add relevant library materials directly to your Moodle course by adding the external tool “Library Research Guides.” This resource will automatically map the relevant course or subject guide or the homepage from the library website to your course. By embedding the library research guides within your Moodle course, you are providing your students easy access to the resources the library offers—encouraging their use and exploration of all that we can provide.
Instructions for adding the Library Research Guides tool to your course:
- Within Moodle, go to edit mode and click “Add an activity or resource” where you want to add the Library Research Guide to your course.
- In the pop-up menu that appears, choose the option, “External tool.”
- On the next page, create an activity name (you could call this, “Library Research Guide,” for example).
- On the same page, using the dropdown menu next to “Preconfigured tool,” select “Library Research Guides.”
- Click “Save and return to course.”
You should now see the library research guide resource appear in your course.
Need Help?
If you need any help, don’t hesitate to contact the Library Web Coordinator, Becky Halberg, and she’ll be happy to walk you through it.