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Faculty Resources

Permanent Links & Adding EZproxy Prefix

Professors sometimes find it useful to embed direct links to materials into Moodle courses and other websites. The preferred way to do this is find the Permanent Link within the database or ebook record. 

Warning: Capturing the URL within the search bar will not work after your browser session is closed. Some providers do not include the UNW's proxy address. The proxy allows users to access material when they are not physically on the campus. Below are the directions for adding the address if needed. 

  • To change the links, add the proxy prefix before the url.
    • Proxy prefix:
  • So the re-constructed URL would look like the following:

Please Note:

  • The proxy address changed 1/1/2018 to the secure version so older proxy-ied links will need to be updated.
  •  If you are getting a new permalink from a library database, the links may already include the new proxy information.

If you have any problems finding a permanent URL or adding the proxy, please contact Nate Farley or your library liaison.